Dead Men Tell No Tales | Motorhead |

Dead Men Tell No Tales

Testo Dead Men Tell No Tales

This is it!

Breaking up or breaking through,
Breaking something‘s all we ever do,
Shoot straight, travel far,
Stone crazy‘s all we ever are,
But I don‘t care for lies,
And I won‘t tell you twice,
Because when all else fails,
Dead Men Tell No Tales

Shooting up away and back,
A bit of guts is all that you lack,
Far behind the stable door,
I know you‘ve met that horse before,
But I don‘t care for sky,
And this sure ain‘t no lie,
At the end of all the tracks and trails,
Dead Men Tell No Tales

You used to be my friend,
But that friendship‘s coming to an end,
My meaning must be clear,
You know pity is all that you hear,
But if you‘re doing smack,
You won‘t be coming back,
I ain‘t the one to make your bail,
Dead Men Tell No Tales

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